How I Resolved an ‘Invalid Email’ Message Adding my PayPal Account to Discogs

I just wanted to sell some records. Discogs didn’t seem to like my bespoke email domain.

Posted by Ross Poulton on Sun 14 July 2024

I’ve recently been doing by some minor declutterring of my vinyl collection, hoping to sell some records on Discogs. As part of the process, I needed to link my PayPal account to my Discogs account. Simple enough, right? Not quite. I hit a roadblock when Discogs repeatedly threw an “Invalid Email” error at me.

Some searching around their support pages and Reddit suggested my PayPal account was the issue: Discogs only support Verified PayPal accounts. That’s odd, though: my account has been in use since George W. Bush was president and is verified by way of multiple confirmed bank accounts.

I reached out to Discogs support, hoping for a quick fix, but was instead directed to their Terms of Service with a vague suggestion that I might be in breach. Puzzled, I tried creating a brand new PayPal account using a different email address from privacy-focused provider, only to encounter the same error.

So I contacted support again. Their response? “Your email domains cannot be confirmed as valid … try using Gmail.” Wow. Surely my decades-old email domain is perfectly valid!

Nevertheless, I decided to play along. I added a Gmail address to my existing PayPal account and attempted to link it to Discogs. To my surprise, it worked without a hitch.

While the workaround was ultimately successful, the process left me a bit surprised.

Hopefully this helps someone who comes across the same issue with an otherwise “valid” PayPal account.